Swiss: Compensation guide for cancelled flights

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When Swiss cancels a flight, although it may initially seem like an annoyance, it can also turn out to be a financial boon. Don’t let this chance pass you by! Compensation may be within reach. Take advantage of it by filling out the complaint form. Give it a try and see if you can recover compensation for this unforeseen experience!

In the event of a flight cancellation, Swiss is obliged by European law to offer compensation to its passengers, reflecting the EU’s commitment to protecting the rights of travelers. This regulation establishes a clear framework protecting the rights of passengers and ensuring that they are not disadvantaged by circumstances beyond their control. By adhering to these regulations, the Swiss airline illustrates its agreement with consumer protection standards and its commitment to providing an impartial travel service.

Overview of the amounts of compensation awarded to the passenger

The compensation estimate is based on a series of criteria, such as the length of the flight and the actual delay. Below, a table to detail the principles:

Flight range

Delay interval Financial allowance

Up to 1500 km

≥ 2h


1500 to 3500 km

≥ 3h €400
Greater than 3500 km ≥ 4h


Use this professional form to assess your eligibility for compensation in the event of flight inconveniences. During this time, an air claims expert will rigorously process your flight data to prepare a comprehensive file.

Claim your compensation here

Canceled flight: is compensation automatic?

When flight cancellations occur for reasons beyond the control of the airlines, we often speak of “extraordinary circumstances”. These situations, which escape any prevention despite the adoption of all reasonable precautions, can vary: they range from extreme bad weather to major health crises, including strikes disrupting airline activities or even directives imposed by the control authorities. air traffic and acts of terrorism.

Let’s take for example a flight canceled due to a major snowstorm paralyzing the airport: in this case, liability cannot be attributed to the airline. Similarly, during the COVID crisis, government restrictions have led to the cancellation of many flights, a situation clearly beyond the control of carriers. However, the passenger retains the right to a refund.

The European legal framework, in particular Regulation (EC) No 261/2004, specifies that financial compensation is not due by airlines in the event of force majeure. However, the regulation requires companies to provide assistance, such as food, accommodation and transportation between the airport and the accommodation.

An online compensation service: Say goodbye to complex procedures

Did you know that there is a compensation service specially designed for passengers who are victims of flight cancellation? This service is your shield against administrative hassle and claims-related stress. Faced with airlines that are often reluctant to easily compensate their customers, legal experts have the capacity to act as your dedicated intermediary, taking care of all the necessary steps to bring your case to a successful conclusion.

Not only does this service save you valuable time, it also protects your peace of mind by avoiding the maze of negotiations with air carriers. And the best for the end ? You don’t have to pay anything out of your pocket. The costs associated with managing your case are simply deducted from the compensation that the experts obtain for you.